I'm very aware that I didn't blog during the last week of the Wildlife Trust's 30 Days Wild in June challenge, this was because life was very busy and I just didn't have the time to sit down and write.
As a family we all very much enjoyed the daily focus on wildlife around us that this challenge brought and I'm pleased to say that it has continued.
I have always enjoyed any brief moments of respite spent in nature away from the busyness of everyday life and have developed a deeper knowledge and wider appreciation of that which surrounds me. We are very lucky that we live in a rural area and so get to see a very wide variety of animals ranging from deer and kestrels through to water shrews and crickets.
My particular focus ended up being on the wide variety of bees visiting our garden - until we took up this challenge I had no idea that there were so many and I am gratified to know that our attempts to ensure we have wild areas to attract wildlife (with a particular focus on bees and butterflies) have worked.
Unfortunately, due to ill health, we did not manage to complete our project to build a bug hotel in June, however we are moving forward with it and hope to have it finished by autumn.
Here are a few more photos of what we got up to during the challenge:
Bird's nest made by June |
Summer Meadow made by June & December and their fellow Nature Detectives as a backdrop for their butterflies |
June's beautiful butterfly |
Shield bug in one of the wild areas of our garden |