I took these photos this evening on the way to do my weekly food shopping. The sunset was so dramatic that I pulled off the A27 on to a flyover and parked on the bridge (hopefully not illegally!) to capture these images using my mobile phone. The wind was so cold that I could barely move my hands for a few minutes once I got back into the car.
Just after I rejoined the dual carriageway I looked up and saw that the Sun had emerged as a dull red globe, dull enough that I could look at it for a few seconds without being dazzled - and there was NOWHERE to pull over, so I can only share the beauty of the image descriptively - if you have seen the first Star Wars movie (you know, the one that came out in 1977!) then yesterday evening's sunset looked like that which Luke Skywalker is seen gazing wistfully at near the beginning of the movie. Except with more trees ;)