Monday, 17 April 2017

Easter Day

Our Easter weekend hasn't been going to plan as we have had to cancel all our trips and visits due to my waking up with excruciating pain in my left heel on Tuesday morning that, after consulting a GP, was diagnosed as Achilles Tendonitis. This means no driving for at least a week, elevation of the afflicted limb and the use of strong painkillers - which is why I thought I might be seeing things when I saw this in our garden this morning:

You see, we don't keep poultry! 

December and June were very excited as they decided it was proof that the Easter Bunny had visited and, given that they found lots of colourful eggs all over the garden during their hunt, who's to say that they're wrong?!

Here are the girls Easter baskets from this morning:

The beautifully decorated eggs were created by June and December at a workshop during the week.

Finally, here's our little Easter tree: