Friday, 26 May 2017

Thoughts from the Shower #12

I've just seen the new Alien film and I was thinking, 'If there'd been a sofa available in the cinema screen, I'd have hidden behind it!' and I'm a veteran of the saga.

The first time I watched 'Alien' was at home, in the lounge, with my Dad. We both started out on the sofa, however around the time Kane bit the dust, I found myself behind the sofa, leaning on it's back and ducking behind for the scariest parts - asking my Dad, 'Is it safe to look?'. Unfortunately for me, he hadn't seen the film before either, so there were a few nasty surprises!

So my thought is - what did people hide behind before sofas?

Is it perhaps that the need to dive behind a sofa for 'protection' from scares/horror is a phenomenon of our smaller screens at home? I mean, has listening to a tale of suspense on the radio ever elicited a similar response?

Monday, 8 May 2017


Sitting in the garden, gazing at the sky. Noticing tiny specks, dancing in my eye.

Where have they come from? Where do they go? 

Are they little atoms, seeking somewhere to glow?

As the sun fades from the sky, the stars begin to shine - their complex patterns forming constellations for us to ponder and divine.

Where did we come from? Where are we going to?

Are we all made from dust, from when a star expired 
and sent it's energies spiralling across the galaxies so wide?