Thursday 14 May 2015

You Know You're a Movie Geek When . . . .

I was driving home this morning listening to the radio, when the presenter announced a piece from Peru. Unwittingly I found myself thinking of the film, Better Off Dead!, in which the main character's Mom is creating a French themed dinner and mistakes the pronunciation of Perrier for Peru. Which has stuck firmly in my mind so that now, whenever I see the Perrier label I think of Peru and when I see or hear the name Peru, I see a glistening bottle of Perrier.

I don't know whether this was a clever marketing ploy or just accidental subliminal implanting, however it hasn't made me buy any Perrier (too fizzy and doesn't taste nice) or visit Peru (mainly down to lack of money!).

Mostly is another word that conjures another world up in my mind's eye. A terrifying, dark world full of danger and painful death. Yes, mostly is the word used by the little girl called Newt in Aliens as, gazing down at the head of her disembodied doll, she tells Ripley that the Aliens only come out at night. Mostly.

Finally (for today!), my last movie memory jogger are castles and fortifications.  Whilst watching any programme - whether documentary, serial or film - that features castles and/or buildings surrounded by high walls, I find myself subconsciously assessing them for weak points. Do they have windows on the ground floor? Is there a well? How many gates are there in the main wall and are they easily defensible? Could they be self sufficient in food?  All this, to see if the fortress could withstand assault during a Zombie apocalypse!

Am I alone in this?

Well, I have had several discussions with my husband and a couple of friends over the various strengths and weaknesses of strongholds, such as Windsor and Edinburgh castles. One suggestion made was that a Tibetan Monastery, that can only be accessed by a basket lift, would be the best place to be.

So I guess that at least confirms I'm not alone in my post-disaster movie hangover!

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