Sunday 8 November 2015

I Climbed the Tor!

I unexpectedly found myself climbing Glastonbury Tor. I know, that sounds like something you would plan to do - rather than find yourself doing by accident! However, given my physical limitations I had resigned myself to the fact that after our family visit to the Chalice Well (a beautiful, tranquil place) I would sit either in the car or on a bench and wait for my husband and daughters to climb the Tor.

Lion's Head Fountain, Chalice Well Garden

However, as we were leaving the Chalice Well a chance conversation with one of the friendly volunteers meant that we found out about a road we could take to a spot with disabled parking which would cut the walk from Glastonbury to the top of the Tor in half. At this point all I thought was how great it was that I would get a closer view of this special monument.

When we arrived at the parking spot it was deserted (probably because it was lunchtime on a Sunday!) so we had no difficulty parking. We all got out of the car and put on warm coats, hats and scarves as the weather was looking like rain was due and the wind was cold and then, well, and then my feet led me through the gate into a field with a concrete path leading up towards the Tor. To my right I saw what looked like a large granite rock which, upon closer inspection, I realised was a milestone for Wells. 

As I turned around I saw this view:

I really thought that the heavens were going to open and that we were going to get soaked, so it was rather odd that when I next stopped to look around I found myself here:

At this point I had a discussion with my husband as to whether it was sensible for me to attempt the climb (seeing as my feet seemed pretty determined to lead me up there!!). I had both my walking sticks with me, the rain wasn't yet falling (in fact, the clouds were thinning by now) and, the deciding factor, June and December were well ahead of us and already scrambling up the steeper slope.

So, off I went. This was taken about half way:

I had to keep stopping to let more agile people pass me by (and also to rest) and just after I took this photo I realised how vertiginous the path was (and that it would look even worse going back down!). So, I dug in and slowly, determinedly, made my way to the top.

I felt very emotional on gaining the summit, as this was somewhere I had wanted to visit for a very long time and had thought it was beyond me.

My husband enjoying the view from the top
2015 has been a difficult year for me health-wise and I am so glad that we decided to stop at Glastonbury on our way to see family in Cornwall. Our visit to the Chalice Well and gardens followed by the Tor gave me such a strong sense of personal achievement and, through the tears of joy and pain, I felt as though a weight had lifted from me.


  1. Glad you made it xx Glastonbury is such a magical place and resonates with so much history. I'd love to re-visit one day. We went just before our wedding and had our car broken into. Think I need to expunge those memories !
    Enjoy Cornwall xx

    1. Oh no, how horrid. I hope you do make it back there soon x

  2. I was sure I'd commented on this! The Tor is a magical place :) We first visited Glastonbury in early 2011 and ended up going back on five different occasions. We've climbed the Tor in all sorts of weather and all were beautiful and unique experiences although the most memorable was a very windy day. So glad you got to the top :)

  3. Thank you :) I can imagine that climbing the Tor on a blustery day would be an interesting experience ;)
