Thursday 19 February 2015

Thoughts from the Shower #3

I find myself hopping from link to link online and I find myself wondering what on earth am I doing? I have so many things on my To Do List.

The answer my friends is procrastination or displacement activities or . . . 

I have been accused of writing lists to delay starting chores/activities. To that my response is: 'Without the list, I will definitely get distracted from my tasks in hand. I will end up not knowing whether I have achieved that which I had set out to achieve and, quite possibly, do something entirely different and not pressing (like read a magazine instead of writing a difficult letter/email)'.

Is this a bad thing?

I'm not sure. Obviously, if I get distracted from writing a letter of complaint about a poor quality purchase it will delay my refund. However, if I don't dust or sort through the bookshelves, does it really matter?

Now, I had better publish this post and go and get on with something on my To Do List!

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