Saturday 3 January 2015

Dark Thoughts

In the darkness can be found a spark of light. Many forget that the reverse is also true - in the light can be found a speck of darkness.

One cannot be fully understood without the other, much like only truly being able to appreciate a happy moment because of the knowledge of past sadness.

These things all make good times more precious and mean that we hold them close to ward off the dark, mean times which always seem to loom so much larger in January immediately after all the bright, shiny jollities of the Christmas period.

Keeping a loved one, whether a partner or a friend, in your confidance and knowing that you are supported is a huge boost, though if you have the ability to travel to a hot, sunny location for a little sun worship that is always helpful!

Keep a little light in your soul and let it be kindled by the slowly returning Sun. 

Enjoy the vagaries of the wintry weather, sure in the knowledge that bleak landscapes will soon take on a fresh, green mantle and the land will warm again.

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